Your First Visit

Your first visit at The Ashgrove Spinal Centre (TASC) will involve the taking of a detailed history of your presenting complaint and general heath.

You can find further information about your first visit here. You may also download the initial paperwork using the links below.

Exercise Prescription

An Exercise Prescription refers to a range of fitness-related activities designed for a special purpose or treatment. Research shows an appropriate Exercise Prescription is an integral part of maximising the results many people will obtain from their care at The Ashgrove Spinal Centre. Experience has taught us best results are obtained by having a range of exercise options which can cater to your individual needs and overall health.

Patient Education

The Ashgrove Spinal Centre’s team works exceptionally hard to provide resources for our patients to help them improve their health, prevent back and/or neck pain, and manage any back or neck pain they may already be experiencing.

In order to take full advantage of our resources, we recommend you follow us on social media, sign up to our newsletter, download our mobile app, and/or check our website from time to time to see what’s new.

Mobile App

Stay up-to-date with the most recent news & resources from The Ashgrove Spinal Centre by downloading our Mobile App for FREE. The App is available on both ITunes and Google Play App Stores. You can find the App by clicking the link below, or search for ‘Ashgrove’ in your App Store.