“The best doctor gives the least medicine.”
— Benjamin Franklin
Chiropractic care involves gentle safe and effective techniques which may include muscle release techniques, joint mobilisation and manipulation.
Spinal Decompression
Spinal decompression is a non-surgical, traction based technique for the treatment and relief of back, leg, neck and arm pain.
Flexion Distraction
Cox Technique is a spinal manipulation treatment used to relieve lower back pain, and other spinal related conditions.
Balance Assessment
Balance and processing disorders can effect our ability to complete a range of activities in our day to day lives.
Postural Correction
Our initial treatment plan will be focused on reducing pain and maintaining movement.
Epley Maneuver
Epley manoeuvre is a safe and effective treatment of posterior semicircular canal BPPV
Exercise Presecription
Exercise Prescription is an integral part of maximising the results many people will obtain from their care.
Spinal Care Classes
Tools that will empower you to make better decisions regarding how you manage your spine on a day to day basis.
Who can we help?
Everyone. The great thing about conservative spinal management is that there are no absolute contra-indications to our care. However, there are definitely some contra-indications to some techniques in some patients. The great thing about TASC is that we are an inclusive practice, so young, old or in between, in pain or just wanting to move towards a healthier lifestyle there is a place for you at TASC.